Why do I fly?

In search of a purpose greater than simply being. The voice inside my head and thoughts on "A Purpose Driven Life"

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

At the bus stop... (Chp 3)

This chapter, like the others, states the obvious. Or at least what I feel is the obvious. Unfortunately, we live our lives such that if the obvious isn't stated, its never noticed or realized. And that's the case with the points in this chapter.

I can understand how having the obvious stated puts things into a newer perspective and makes understanding our approach to life a completely different exercise. But understanding what drives us is not an easy task. Personally, I cannot identify what it is that drives me. I feel as if I'm waiting to be driven. We are supposed to be driven towards a goal with a purpose. I've approached life differently, I feel like I've completely let go and I'm hoping and praying God drives me in the direction I'm supposed to be, but from what I understand, we have to be proactive, we have to be driven to fulfill our purpose. I don't feel like I'm driven by guilt or fear or need of approval or materialism or anger. I don't feel driven. I feel like I've stopped and I'm hoping the ride is over.

I'm feeling a need, a need to be with God, a need to have Him in my life. That need drives me to read and write and try to understand and hear His message for me. Is that the kind of drive that's meant? I don't think so, I think the drive you have when you're fulfilling your purpose is a much stronger drive. What scares me is that it appears that most people wander through life without a purpose. Most people die having lived incomplete lives. It scares me to think that I may be one of those people.

Please God let me see your light, let me hear your voice, let your love fill my heart, let my life be guided by you in every step of the way. I need you God. I love you God. Amen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

life is similar to driving; sometimes you drive with a map in hand and sometimes you don't. At both times, it is possible to get lost even if you know your way but during the times when you are lost, you may find something that can add meaning to your road trip.

Listen to what He says and His guidance and He will become your compass.

9/25/2006 2:17 AM  

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