Why do I fly?

In search of a purpose greater than simply being. The voice inside my head and thoughts on "A Purpose Driven Life"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Life is a...(Chp 5)

This chapter asks you how you see your life? For me the first word that comes to mind is Revolution. I see life as a Revolution. Or more correctly, a series of Revolutions. I see my progression in life, my own personal internal growth as happening in bursts. A small explosion inside invokes a drastic change that takes a hold of me. That's my little Revolution. And then after that is a long period of calm and then I feel like the status quo has been maintained too long and that prompts another internal explosion, another Revolution. This isn't a conscious progression, this is just how I see my life happening. In fact, I may be completely wrong. Either way its totally irrelevant.

Life is a test and a trust and temporary assignment according to this chapter and according to the Bible. This chapter is only on the test and trust bit. Both facts are pretty straight forward, and easily comprehended. The importance of it isn't in the understanding, but in fact, its in the implementing. Its not enough to know that life is a test and a trust. Life has to be lived as a test and a trust. Every moment you live is a test or trust, sometimes both. Everything we're given form talents and intelligence to health and fitness to time is all a trust. Gifts, if you will, from God to utilize in the best possible manner. Personally, I've wasted a lot of God's gifts and I have not been faithful with what He has entrusted me with. I regret it. But my next second is another gift, I will not waste it on regret, I will make the best of it because what you do with what is entrusted to you, is a test in itself.

The chapter says that nothing is insignificant, everything is a test, even the smallest of incidents. Major tests in life can be significant changes, delayed promises, unanswered prayers, impossible problems, undeserved criticism and even senseless tragedies. But the biggest test is how you act when you can't feel God's presence in your life.

There are 2 points I'd like to make from my own personal understanding. First, I don't think God leaves prayers unanswered. Though we may often not hear Him or comprehend His answer, it does not mean He didn't answer. Sometimes His silence may be an answer. Sometimes the answer is there and we cannot see it because its not the answer we want or its not the right time for us to see the answer. Whatever it may be, I'm convinced that God always answers, sometimes on His own timing, but He always answers. My second point is something I cannot fathom. I can understand that we sometimes fail to feel God's presence in our life maybe because of lack of faith or a preoccupation with something of this world, but the chapter sites 2 Chronicles 32:31 as saying that sometimes God steps back from us to test what we would do without Him. I cannot see that as possible, not with the way God loves us and not with the promises He's made to us. He's promised never to give us a test we cant handle and all our strength and guidance comes form Him, so how can He possibly let us go? I cannot understand it, this feeling I have inside me because of Him tells me He will never let me go, so how then can He step back.

Lord never let us go, we are you lambs, you are our shepherd, you would not leave us to wander and get lost. Please hold us close and guide our every move. Never take your eyes off us. Have mercy on us. Amen.


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